Ocean Freight Rates

Qingdao to Callao Ocean Freight Rates

Peru Import from China
USD 4850.00 USD 5850.00 USD 5850.00 Manual Quote ≈ 37 Days
*Sea freight fluctuates frequently, if you need a real-time quotation, please send an enquiry below.
Updated 2024-08-02
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Ocean freight rate is divided into two categories, one is based on the unit of bulk cargo ton RT (commonly known as the bulk freight price), and the other is based on each container as the charging unit (commonly known as the container freight price). Both categories consist of base rates and surcharges.

Our online ocean freight rate looup tool is the basic rate of container freight price in USD. The final sea freight (including basic rates and surcharges) will fluctuate to a certain extent according to different shippinglines / schedules / types of goods. Therefore, the fees displayed on this page are for reference only.

For routes that are not covered here, or if you want to confirm the bulk price, or other situations, please feel free to contact us for a detailed quotation.

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